Sunday, March 6, 2022

[OLD] Hair Accessory Collection ^_^


All of these are from mai childhood! I used to have really long hair and my mom would do it for me everyday! But I stopped wearing them at all, and soon enough my mom just gave me the whole bunch! These by far are my favorites, some of them belonging to my siblings ^_^

Though I dont have long hair anymore, since I got it cut short a couple years back! When i was trying to figure out my gender and such lolz.  These were my favorite out of the bunch, I really should wear them more.

Some are missing sadly :( I miss when I would wear cute hair accessories! Reminder that boys can wear skirts! Boys can wear cute clips in their hair! Boys can wear pink if they so choose! 

I used to have a BUNCH of clippies with halloween stuff on them! And sparkly stuff too! I really should find more at some point...Or make some DIY ones. Maybe I'll make a DIY post later? Who knows. But for right now these are the ones I have! Aint they cute?

I have quite a bit of broken ones :( Its cause I wore them so much lolz. I also have some SUPER sparkly ones up at the top next to the blue bow ^_^ Those were always so annoying to wear but so cute... Lots of sparkles xD

Okay dokayyy, thats all for today x_X I think Im ded from editing all those images and stuff! 
I put a LOT of effort into this post, even though no one right now is reading these lolz. Its fun either way ^_^ 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

[OLD] Gyaru Magazines are so cool?! O_o


Hai todays post is gonna be SUPA CUTE! I know this blog was originally for scene/emo/alt things, but I think Gyaru and Japanese fashions deserve a place here! After all, I do love me some Harajuku fashion and Gyaru! <3 


First one is this Koakuma Ageha Magazine! She's so cute with her makeup, I just love how old 2000s mags looked >_< I wish we could have this kind of thing again! Everything now-a-days is so bland and same same. Where's the glam?
No but seriously, Ive been collecting American fashion mags for a while! (since around 2014) And They all slowly started getting more boring by the year... T-T Ive seen plenty of cool looking mags from the 2000s, idk where any of it went. xC 
I want mai glam mags!!!

UWA!!! This one is so friggin cute!!! I love Popteen so much, Ive seen so much from their mags...
Her makeup is soooo cute! The eyelashes fit well with her eye shape! I could never T-T I have one eye bigger than the other. I'd look like Coco from Imaginary Friends.  
ALSO I love her lil glasses, I doubt theyre real, but theyre still super adorable! Her nails have tiny bows on them, which is very Gyaru! And then the iconic pale pink lip gloss <3

WE CANT FORGET ABOUT EGG!!! God I love Egg Magazine U_U Not only did they do a TON of Gyaru fashion mags, but also other styles! I love this mag so much... The girls on the cover look like theyre having so much fun! Also the McDonalds drinks are iconic in this image... Egg was very into having their models eat fastfood in the shot.... If you check a bunch of their covers, they do indeed have a lot of fastfood imagery. Which makes sense since Gyaru is heavily based in Western culture (American tingz lol.) 
I love these girl's hairstyles though!!! I always have loved the way most early 2000s japanese haircuts were very layered! (Like how J-rock boys have supa cool hair!) I dunno, Egg Mags are so cool!!!

ANYWAYS! Thats all I have time for today. Formatting this was a hassle, but a learning experience since I need to learn to indent with images and such. ^_^ 
Hoped you enjoyed reading!!!  

Thursday, March 3, 2022

[OLD] My TOP 10 fav 2000s animes! ^_^

Ive always loved 2000s animes! xD  
I can never get tired of them here's my top 10 favorite 2000s animes!

10. Diabolik Lovers (1 and 2)

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST LMAO this anime....thing....Okay I only have this on the list because I love vampire animes! I hated the rest of the story/etc. A bunch of vampire dudes ganging up on a seemingly "super innocent" and "fragile" girl just to drink her "super duper yummy" blood. And somehow this random gal is so important to all these random weirdo dudes? I dunno. I find it a really funny and awkward to watch anime xD If you wanna get second hand embarrassment over some vampire dude calling her a bitch constantly be my guest.........but the only real good thing about the anime is some of the characters that were really nicely written in my opinion! 

9. Toradora

Okay this one was really cute, but with the Tsuderes??? I loved the story and everything, it wasn't too half bad. Which is why its on this list to begin with! BUT I hate that they made Taiga look like a LITERAL child. She is so so so short...Thats really my only complaint from when i watched it, just wish she actually looked like a high schooler. Instead of a 7 year old. Otherwise, its a nice anime to watch to pass time tbh! Not super duper long, but still cute! Their dynamic was sweet [sorta!]