Sunday, March 6, 2022

[OLD] Hair Accessory Collection ^_^


All of these are from mai childhood! I used to have really long hair and my mom would do it for me everyday! But I stopped wearing them at all, and soon enough my mom just gave me the whole bunch! These by far are my favorites, some of them belonging to my siblings ^_^

Though I dont have long hair anymore, since I got it cut short a couple years back! When i was trying to figure out my gender and such lolz.  These were my favorite out of the bunch, I really should wear them more.

Some are missing sadly :( I miss when I would wear cute hair accessories! Reminder that boys can wear skirts! Boys can wear cute clips in their hair! Boys can wear pink if they so choose! 

I used to have a BUNCH of clippies with halloween stuff on them! And sparkly stuff too! I really should find more at some point...Or make some DIY ones. Maybe I'll make a DIY post later? Who knows. But for right now these are the ones I have! Aint they cute?

I have quite a bit of broken ones :( Its cause I wore them so much lolz. I also have some SUPER sparkly ones up at the top next to the blue bow ^_^ Those were always so annoying to wear but so cute... Lots of sparkles xD

Okay dokayyy, thats all for today x_X I think Im ded from editing all those images and stuff! 
I put a LOT of effort into this post, even though no one right now is reading these lolz. Its fun either way ^_^ 

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